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1、【题目】Part IV Translation

Combined with the messaging service, the location service could help rescue teams to find stranded adventurers, the police to find stolen cars, exporters to follow the progress of cargoes, and haulage companies to check that drivers are not detouring the pub.(Passage Four)








Comrade Deng Xiaoping once said, “Socialist wealth belongs to the people, the socialist prosperity is the universal common prosperity.” Building a harmonious society is to regard people’s livelihood as the priority among priorities, to help the masses live a happy life of having jobs, going to school, having food to eat, having clothes to wear, having houses to live in, and can be cured when in disease, and can be cared when they are old. From then on, in the fields of employment, education, income distribution, health care, pension, and housing, etc., a large number of practical projects focusing on livelihood have been started one by one; every activity about people’s livelihood has lighted people of all nationalities up with pleasure.



1、【题目】We can begin our discussion of “population as global issue” with what most persons mean when they discuss “the population problem”: too many people on earth and a too rapid increase in the number added each year. The facts are not in dispute, It was quite right to employ the analogy that likened demographic growth to “a long, thin powder fuse that burns steadily and haltingly until it finally reaches the charge and explodes.”

To understand the current situation, which is characterized by rapid increases in population, it is necessary to understand the history of population trends. Rapid growth is a comparatively recent phenomenon. Looking back at the 8,000 years of demographic history, we find that populations have been virtually stable or growing very slightly for most of human history. For most of our ancestors, life was hard, often nasty, and very short. There was high fertility in most places, but this was usually balanced by high mortality. For most of human history, it was seldom the case that one in ten persons would live past forty, while infancy and childhood were especially risky periods. Often, societies were in clear danger of extinction because death rates could exceed their birthrates. Thus, the population problem throughout most of history was how to prevent extinction of the human race.

This pattern is important to notice. Not only does it put the current problems of demographic growth into a historical perspective, but it suggests that the cause of rapid increase in population in recent years is not a sudden enthusiasm for more children, but an improvement in the conditions that traditionally have caused high mortality.

Demographic history can be divided into two major periods: a time of long, slow growth which extended from about 8,000 BC.till approximately AD. 1650. In the first period of some 9600 years, the population increased from some 8 million to 500 million in 1650. Between 1650 and the present, the population has increased from 500 million to more than 4 billion. And it is estimated that by the year 2000 there will be 6.2 billion people throughout the world. One way to appreciate this dramatic difference in such abstract numbers is to reduce the time frame to something that is more manageable. Between 8000BC and 1650, an average of only 50,000 persons was being added annually to the world’s population each year. At present, this number is added every six hours. The increase is about 80,000,000 persons annually.

1.Which of the following demographic growth pattern is most suitable for the long thin powder fuse analogy?

A.A virtually stable or slightly decreasing period and then a sudden explosion of population.

B.A slow growth for a long time and then a period of rapid, dramatic increase.

C.Too many people on earth and a few rapid increase in the number added each year.

D.A long period when death rates exceeds birthrates and then a short period with higher fertility and lower mortality.

2.During the first period of demographic history, societies were often in danger of extinction because___.

A.only one in ten persons could live past 40.

B.there was higher mortality than fertility in most places.

C.it was too dangerous to have babies due to the poor conditions.

D.our ancestors had little enthusiasm for more children.

3.Which statement is true about population increase?

A.There might be an increase of 2.2 billion persons from now to the year 2000.

B.About 50,000 babies are born every six hours at present.

C.Between 8000 BC and the present, the population increase is about 80,000,000 persons each year.

D.The population increased faster between 8000BC and 1650 than between 1650 and the present.

4.The author of the passage intends to___.

A.warn people against the population explosion in the near future.

B.compare the demographic growth pattern in the past with that after 1650.

C.find out the cause for rapid increase in population in recent years.

D.present us a clear and complete picture of the demographic growth.

5.The word “demographic” in the first paragraph means___.

A.statistics of human.

B.surroundings study.

C.accumulation of human.

D.development of human.






























61-65 DCDBA

66-70 BCDAC

71-75 DDCDA

76-80 DCACD






To understand the Chinese culture, you have to know something about the Chinese opera culture. In China, there are many kinds of local operas, among which Peking Opera is a representative one. As an independent opera form, Peking Opera was approximately born between 1840 and I860. Peking opera originated from absorbing the essentials of other local operas. In Peking Opera there is a clear division of roles; the spoken parts are in Beijing dialect; and huqin, is the main accompaniment instrument. Since Peking Opera has combined the cream of various local operas, it is enjoyed not only by Beijing audience, but also by people all over the country.




By making vehicles lighter in weight aluminum has greatly reduced the amount of fuel needed to move them, (Passage Two)





1、【题目】What does the future hold for the problem of housing? A good deal depends, of course, on the meaning of “future”. If one is thinking in terms of science fiction and the space age, it is at least possible to assume that man will have solved such trivial and earthly problems as housing. Writers of science fiction, from H.G. Wells onwards, have had little to say on the subject. They have conveyed the suggestion that men will live in great comfort, with every conceivable apparatus to make life smooth, healthy and easy, if not happy. But they have not said what his house will be made of. Perhaps some new building material, as yet unimagined, will have been discovered or invented at least. One may be certain that bricks and mortar(泥灰,灰浆) will long have gone out of fashion.

But the problems of the next generation or two can more readily be imagined. Scientists have already pointed out that unless something is done either to restrict the world’s rapid growth in population or to discover and develop new sources of food (or both), millions of people will be dying of starvation or at the best suffering from underfeeding before this century is out. But nobody has yet worked out any plan for housing these growing populations. Admittedly the worst situations will occur in the hottest parts of the world, where housing can be light structure or in backward areas where standards are traditionally low. But even the minimum shelter requires materials of some kind and in the teeming, bulging towns the low-standard “housing” of flattened petrol cans and dirty canvas is far more wasteful of ground space than can be tolerated.

Since the war, Hong Kong has suffered the kind of crisis which is likely to arise in many other places during the next generation. Literally millions of refugees arrived to swell the already growing population and emergency steps had to be taken rapidly to prevent squalor(肮脏)and disease and the spread crime. The city is tackling the situation energetically and enormous blocks of tenements(贫民住宅)are rising at an astonishing aped. But Hong Kong is only one small part of what will certainly become a vast problem and not merely a housing problem, because when population grows at this rate there are accompanying problems of education, transport, hospital services, drainage, water supply and so on. Not every area may give the same resources as Hong Kong to draw upon and the search for quicker and cheaper methods of construction must never cease.

1.What is the author’s opinion of housing problems in the first paragraph?

A.They may be completely solved at sometime in the future.

B.They are unimportant and easily dealt with.

C.They will not be solved until a new building material has been discovered.

D.They have been dealt with in specific detail in books describing the future.

2.The writer is sure that in the distant future ___.

A.bricks and mortar will be replaced by some other building material.

B.a new building material will have been invented.

C.bricks and mortar will not be used by people who want their house to be fashionable.

D.a new way of using bricks and mortar will have been discovered.

3.The writer believes that the biggest problem likely to confront the world before the end of the century ___.

A.is difficult to foresee.

B.will be how to feed the ever growing population.

C.will be how to provide enough houses in the hottest parts of the world.

D.is the question of finding enough ground space.

4.When the writer says that the worst situations will occur in the hottest parts of the world or in backward areas, he is referring to the fact that in these parts ___.

A.standards of building are low.

B.only minimum shelter will be possible.

C.there is not enough ground space.

D.the population growth will be the greatest.

5.Which of the following sentences best summarizes Paragraph 3?

A.Hong Kong has faced a serious crisis caused by millions of refugees.

B.Hong Kong has successfully dealt with the emergency caused by millions of refugees.

C.Hong Kong’s crisis was not only a matter of housing but included a number of other problems of population growth.

D.Many parts of the world may have to face the kind of problems encountered by Hong Kong and may find it much harder to deal with them.





1、【题目】Part III Cloze

Directions: There are twenty blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices. Choose the one that best fits into the passage and then marks your answer on the Answer Sheet.

There are two factors which determine an individual’s intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born 61 . Human brains differ considerably, 62 being more capable than others. 63 no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence 64 he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what 65 to the individual—the sort of environment in which he is brought 66 . If an individual is handicapped (受阻碍) 67 , it is likely that his brain will 68 to develop and he will 69 attain the level of intelligence of which he is 70 .

The importance of environment in determining an individual’s intelligence can be 71 by the case history of the identical twins, Peter and John. When the twins were three months old, their parents died, and they are placed in 72 foster (寄养) homes. Peter was reared by parents of low intelligence in an 73 community with poor educational 74 . John, 75 , was educated in the home of well-to-do parents who has been to college. This environmental 76 continued until the twins were 77 their late teens, 78 they were given tests to 79 their intelligence. John’s I.Q. (智商) was 125, twenty-five points higher than the 80 and fully forty points higher than his identical brother.

61. A. for B. by C. with D. in

62. A. most B. some C. many D. few

63. A. But B. For C. Still D. And

64. A. if B. thought C. as D. unless

65. A. refers B. applies C. happens D. concerns

66. A. about B. up C. forward D. forth

67. A. relatively B. intelligently C. regularly D. environmentally

68. A. fail B. help C. manage D. stop

69. A. ever B. never C. even D. nearly

70. A. able B. capable C. available D. acceptable

71. A. demonstrated B. denied C. neglected D. ignored

72. A. separate B. similar C. remote D. individual

73. A. omitted B. isolated C. enclosed D. occupied

74. A. possibilities B. opportunities C. capacities D. responsibilities

75. A. moreover B. consequently C. then D. however

76. A. exception B. division C. difference D. alteration

77. A. in B. by C. at C. for

78. A. while B. since C. when D. because

79. A. estimate B. count C. decide D. measure

80. A. average B. common C. usual D. ordinary


61-65 CBADC

66-70 BDABB

71-75 AABBD

76-80 CACDA



1、【题目】Passage 4

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:

The new global satellite communications systems will offer three kinds service, which may overlap in many different kinds of receivers.

VOICE. Satellite telephones will be able to make calls from anywhere on the Earth to anywhere else. That could make them especially useful to remote, third world villages (some of which already use stationary satellite telephones), explorers and disaster-relief teams. Today’s mobile telephones depend on earth-bound transmitters, where technical standards vary from country to country. So business travelers cannot use their mobile phones on international trips. Satellite telephones would make that possible.

MESSAGING. Satellite massagers have the same global coverage as satellite telephones, but carry text alone, which could be useful for those with laptop computers. Equipped with a small screen like today’s papers, satellite massagers will also receive short messages.

TRACKING. Voice and messaging systems will also tell their users where they are to within a few hundred meters. Combined with the messaging service, the location service could help rescue teams to find stranded adventurers, the police to find stolen cars, exporters to follow the progress of cargoes, and haulage companies to check that drivers are not detouring the pub. America’s military Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite will provide better positioning information to anyone who has a receiver for their signals, but GPS does not carry messages, so such a receiver cannot be used on its own for tracking or rescue. By the mid-1990s, GPS receivers will be able to tell people where they are to within 70 meters anywhere in the world, and to within a meter or so in areas where the service is supplemented by ground-based transmitter.

16. Global satellite communications systems will be useful to .

A. laptop computer users

B. remote villages

C. disaster-relief teams

D. all above

17. Satellite telephone will make .

A. business travelers use mobile phones on international trips

B. possible calls from anywhere on earth to anywhere else

C. explorers happy

D. all above

18. Which of the following is true?

A. The positioning precision of the voice system is better than that of GPS.

B. The positioning precision of GPS is Better than that of the voice system.

C. The positioning precision of the messaging system is better than of GPS.

D. The positioning precision of voice system is better than that of the messaging system.

19. What can we say about the new global satellite communications systems?

A. They are widely used.

B. They are very helpful.

C. They are costly.

D. Both A and B.

20. Which of the following may be the best title for the passage?

A. Global Satellite Communications

B. New Voice and Messaging System

C. New Generation Satellite

D. Always in Touch
































1、【题目】Once it was possible to define male and female roles easily by the division of labor. Men worked outside the home and earned the income to support their families, while women cooked the meals and took care of the home and the children. These roles were firmly fixed for most people, and there was not much opportunity for women to exchange their roles. But by the middle of this century, men’s and women’s roles were becoming less firmly fixed.

In the 1950s, economic and social success was the goal of the typical American. But in the 1960s a new force developed called the counterculture. The people involved in this movement did not value the middle-class American goals. The counterculture presented men and women with new role choices. Taking more interest in childcare, men began to share child-raising tasks with their wives. In fact, some young men and women moved to communal homes or farms where the economic and childcare responsibilities were shared equally by both sexes. In addition, many Americans did not value the traditional male role of soldier. Some young men refused to be drafted as soldiers to fight in the war in Vietnam.

In terms of numbers, the counterculture was not a very large group of people. But its influence spread to many parts of American society. Working men of all classes began to change their economic and social patterns. Industrial workers and business executives alike cut down on “overtime” work so that they could spend more leisure time with their families. Some doctors, lawyers, and teachers turned away from high paying situations to practice their professions in poorer neighborhoods.

In the 1970s, the feminist movement, or women’s liberation, produced additional economic and social changes. Women of all ages and at all levels of society were entering the work force in greater numbers. Most of them still took traditional women’s jobs as public school teaching, nursing, and secretarial work. But some women began to enter traditionally male occupations: police work, banking, dentistry, and construction work. Women were asking for equal work, and equal opportunities for promotion.

Today the experts generally agree that important changes are taking place in the roles of men and women. Naturally, there are difficulties in adjusting to these transformations.

1.Which of the following best express the main idea of Paragraph 1?

A.Women usually worked outside the home for wages.

B.Men and women’s roles were easily exchanged in the past.

C.Men’s roles at home were more firmly fixed than women’s.

D.Men and women’s roles were usually quite separated in the past.

2.Which sentence best expresses the main idea of Paragraph 2?

A.The first sentence.

B.The second and the third sentences.

C.The fourth sentence.

D.The last sentence.

3.In the passage the author proposes that the counterculture___.

A.destroyed the United States.

B.transformed some American values.

C.was not important in the United States.

D.brought people more leisure time with their families.

4.It could be inferred from the passage that___.

A.men and women will never share the same goals.

B.some men will be willing to exchange their traditional male roles.

C.most men will be happy to share some of the household responsibilities with their wives.

D.more American households are headed by women than ever before.

5.The best title for the passage may be ___.

A.Results of Feminist Movements

B.New influence in American Life

C.Counterculture and Its consequence

D.Traditional Division of Male and Female Roles.






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